Knowledgebase: Dedicated And VPS Servers
What is a VPS? What is a Dedicated Server? Benefits of VPS. How to setup your own VPS? What suites you best - Private or Dedicated servers.
Articles under Dedicated and VPS servers

What is a Virtual Private Server?
  • VPS в переводе с английского как «Виртуальный Частный Сервер». ...

Benefits of VPS
  • {$lang.wrid_kdb_dcs_cat5_art2}

What is a Dedicated Server?
  • {$lang.wrid_kdb_dcs_cat5_art3}

Benefits of a Dedicated Server
  • {$lang.wrid_kdb_dcs_cat5_art4}

What suites me best - Dedicated or VPS?
  • {$lang.wrid_kdb_dcs_cat5_art5}

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